James Reeves

James Reeves

James completed a 20-week project as a part of his BSc in Medical Biosciences at ICL under the supervision of Dr. Nathan Skene and Alan Murphy, investigating the impact of increasing known non-biallelic SNPs on the functionality of the MungeSumStats formatting package in R.

Imperial College London

UK Dementia Research Institute

I am a third year undergraduate studying BSc Medical Biosciences at ICL. I have a strong interest in genetics & genomics, as well as the application of computational biology to neuroscience. Before joining the lab, I previously gained lab experience in the Infectious Diseases department on St. Marys campus, ICL. I am currently undertaking a 20-week project under the supervision of Dr Nathan Skene and Alan Murphy looking at the MungeSumStats formatting package in R and the effect of the increasing number of known non-biallelic SNPs on its function.

  • BSc Medical Biosciences, 2023

    Imperial College London